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Travertine is a kind or form of limestone (a sedimentary rock) that is deposited by hot springs. It is formed by the rapid precipitation of CaCO3 which occurs at the mouth of the hot spring or in a limestone cavern. It can also form stalactites or stalagmites in limestone caves.

Qualities of Travertine

  • It has a soft texture and low hardness
  • It is very porous
  • Has a light density
  • It doesn’t have a solid color due to the bands of different colors that run through the stone
  • Polished travertine has a high luster and is smooth to touch

Benefits of Travertine

  • It is highly durable and can last for years
  • Its appealing nature makes it highly sought after in the world of architecture
  • Travertine is highly versatile and is available in many forms
  • It is low maintenance
  • It is relatively cheaper than other natural stones

Uses of Travertine

  • It is commonly used as a building material due to its durability
  • It is one of many natural stones that are used in making patios and garden paths
  • It is also available in tile sizes used for flooring purposes and is one of the most widely used natural stones in modern architecture for facades, walls, etc.

Contact Re-Vive stonecare for all your Travertine repair, restoration and installation needs from worktops to floors and features and decorative stonework. 01787 584413 or mobile 0773 7655871.